Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

6 Hidden Health Problems in Your Makeup Bag

Beauty Lovers, turned skin disease threats hidden in your makeup bag. In addition to contamination from germs and dirt, you can also potentially exposed to potential allergies, cancer, respiratory disease, and even birth defects. Read on the following article to see what is hidden behind your makeup bag.

Dirty brushes

Dermatologist Joel Schlessinger, MD, inventor lovelyskin.com say that we have to clean the brushes at least once a month. If not, the brush will become dirty and full of bacteria that would be directly in contact with your skin.

Perfume Allergy

Be careful if you smell a strong scent of your beauty products. Perfumes and preservatives in cosmetics will cause allergies. If you experience an allergic reaction, stop using this product immediately.

Material Adverse

Time for you to check your makeup labels. Parabens or preservatives are used to increase the life of the product is widely used in cosmetics, including powder, foundation, blush, and eye pencil, can disrupt the hormone system and even potentially cause breast cancer. On cosmetic labels, metal called parabens, butyl, ethyl, or propel. In addition, there are also other harmful substances called phthalates (found mostly in perfumes and fragrances), sodium laurel sulfate (found in shampoo and face wash soap), toluene (a solvent used in nail polish and hair dye) and propylene glycol (commonly found in shampoos, conditioners, acne treatment products, moisturizer, mascara, and deodorant).

Expired Products

Makeup product that age was more than 18 months should be discarded and replaced. You also have to throw out your makeup if the makeup has changed the texture and cause a strange smell. Makeup that have expired contain many bacteria and fungi.

Sharing Products

Share with your friends makeup products will only make you swap germs, especially if the product is a product for the eyes or lips. If you are diabetic or have a problem with the thickness of the body's systems, which caused an infection will be less severe.


Makeup products, and even makeup bag is a breed germs. Each time you dip your finger into a bottle of cream, you'll transfer germs into it. Therefore, better buy a product that uses a tube to his place, then use a cotton bud to take cream in it. Also buy makeup bag is translucent so light can enter into it.

Horrible is not Beauty Lovers? Hopefully the above article may make you think twice in using your makeup. (The)

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